Reflections from BLI volunteers – 3/14/21
tmurray • March 14, 2021

We first were introduced to Fr. Emmanuel by our daughter Sara in April of 2016. Fr. Emmanuel was looking for someone to volunteer to coordinate the building of a dream; a campus for Bethany Land Institute. By time we met him a White Paper had been written that outlined the vision for BLI. Land had been purchased at Kiwumpa, and early fund raising had started.  Fr. Emmanuel had contacted Engineering Missions International to evaluate the land at Kiwumpa and to lay out a campus there. Bob would act as the Owners Representative for the project.

The work that EMI and Bob did for Kiwumpa has become the foundation of the campus at Nandere. The mission laid out in the White Paper are the core values of BLI today. Finding board members in the US and Uganda, finding staff, funding, and new land when the Kiwumpa land ownership was challenged, are miracles that are all part of the story of BLI.

Today Fr. Emmanuel is sharing with you pictures of the campus that is now open at Nandere. Classes begin on Monday March 15.  It is almost 5 years to the day since we first met him. We are in awe of what God has done through Fr. Emmanuel and through every person who owns part of this story.

This is a time of Joy and Thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness to his promises to Fr. Emmanuel and BLI. 

Journeying with you – Bob and Macky Johnson

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